The first smiles

At 1 month: Babies see shadows, lights, outlines, faces, certain colors; it’s a lot. With more or less interest, more or less vivacity, the baby keeps exercising his sight. Until his eyes close with fatigue, he looks at everything.

6-8 weeks: Many babies have their first smile, but your child may smile before or after that time. From birth, your baby seeks to communicate with you and express what he feels and learns quickly! Your baby will want to mimic the expressions on your face right after birth.
The babies’ faces are already expressive in their mom’s womb, and your child has been training for months before being born. So, if your baby is looking at you with bright eyes and looking curious, maybe he’s about to answer your smile.

How to trigger your first smiles?
To encourage your baby to smile and communicate with you, prefer moments when he is calm, willing and sufficiently awake.

Place your baby in front of you, your face 30 cm from his, and talk to him. If your child does not seem comfortable at this distance, place it a little further.

However, there will probably be a few minutes from time to time where your baby will look at you intently to stare at you. That’s when he may start to smile after watching you for a long time. Talk to him slowly and you may be pleased to admire his first toothless smile!

Some babies are not very smiling when they still practice coordinating their movements. In the same way, if your baby has a tendency to cry a lot, to get upset or if he has a stomach ache, he may not want to communicate. If this is the case for your child, he will need your help to feel better and calm down.